Hand Coded Studio
Web Development Tips

Install eslint-config-airbnb-base

27 May 2020

The following command will install eslint-co...

How To Delete Local and Remote Tags on Git

20 May 2020

In some cases, you may want to delete Git tags local...

Git: Unstage files in current working directory

31 March 2020

To unstage files in current working directory:


Keeping in contact during Coronavirus lockdown

24 March 2020

The UK Government have implemented a

Laravel pagination with query string

19 March 2020

With pagination it is sometimes necessary to add que...

Solving "nginx: could not build server_names_hash" error

27 February 2020

When you restart nginx, you may see this error:


New Mac setup for PHP, MySQL, NGINX and Dnsmasq

6 January 2020


Digital Ocean "unknown host"

13 November 2019

I've recently had an issue with Digital Ocean server...

Install a Comodo SSL Certificate on Nginx

25 October 2019

The following command will concatenate the intermedi...

Crop video

21 October 2019

The following command will crop a video from landsca...

Running container from Dockerfile

18 February 2019

The following code will create an imaged named "my_i...

mcrypt on PHP 7.2 in Docker

15 February 2019

The following lines will install mcrypt on PHP 7.2.<...

Import large MySQL database with progress bar

15 January 2019

PV can report progress for large MySQL database impo...

Change sending domain in WordPress

25 September 2018

In WordPress you can force all emails to be sent fro...

Sparkpost on Ubuntu

23 August 2018

When you use a Digital Ocean server, you may see err...

Docker with PHP 7.1 and MSSQL

16 August 2018

After lots of research, and some trial and error, I'...

Run disk checks on 1&1 Ubuntu server

20 July 2018

lshw -class disk -short

apt-get install smart...

Debugging WordPress

11 May 2018

WordPress will often hide errors, however you can di...

Clear broken Ubuntu dependencies using Aptitude

10 May 2018

I found that the only thing that worked for me was u...

Force composer to use a PHP version

1 May 2018

If you have different versions of PHP running locall...

Ubuntu time with ntp

19 February 2018

If you need 'ntp' to reset the server time on a Ubun...

Fix Laravel: Specified key was too long

12 February 2018

Laravel 5.4 made a change to the default database ch...

Cannot find module '/PATH/node_modules/cross-env/bin/cross-env.js'

12 February 2018

When running "npm run dev" in Laravel you might hit ...

SQL to Delete WordPress Revisions

31 January 2018

While building and testing your WordPress website, y...

Upgrading Ubuntu - "Error authenticating some packages"

30 January 2018

Sometimes when upgrading Ubuntu you'll see this erro...

Laravel Forge iframe

24 January 2018

When using

Bootstrap 4 updated visibility classes

28 November 2017

The hidden-* and visible-* classes no longer exist i...

Ubuntu server disk usage

16 October 2017

Overtime web servers fill up with "stuff", whether t...

Warning: path must be a string Use --force to continue.

9 October 2017

If you are running "

Setup PHP-FPM 5.6 on Ubuntu

24 August 2017

The LEMP software stack is a group of software that ...

PHP Curl error

22 August 2017

Earlier this week I came across this PHP err...

Raw PHP in Laravel blade view

11 July 2017

In some situations, it's useful to embed PHP code in...

Compress images for the web

10 July 2017

As images continue to be the largest part of website...

Font bolder in Firefox

9 July 2017

You may notice that web fonts appear bolder in Firef...

Compress mp4 video for the web

8 July 2017

Compressing video online is essential to imp...

Using WordPress and Laravel

6 July 2017

WordPress is a world renowned Content Management Sys...

Adding browser JavaScript push notifications

4 July 2017

A small JavaScript library called

Laravel error: "The only supported ciphers are AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC with the correct key lengths."

29 June 2017

The following error can appear when deploying a

How to Clear DNS Cache in MacOS Sierra

29 June 2017

Open the Terminal application, found in the Utilitie...

WorldPay redirect with Select Junior

21 June 2017

I managed to implement a redirect by using a meta ta...

Upgrading to Pandoc 1.19 on Ubuntu 14

21 June 2017

If you need to convert files from one markup format ...

Upgrade to PHP 5.6 on Ubuntu 14.04

20 June 2017

You can now upgrade to PHP 5.6 very...

Install nodejs, npm, and grunt-cli on Ubuntu 14

17 June 2017

Grunt is a Javascript task runner that can be used t...

Install syncthing on Ubuntu 14

16 June 2017

Syncthing is a cross-platform peer-to-peer file sync...